Signs Your Dog Needs To See The Vet About Potential Tooth Problems

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Dogs, like humans, only have one set of adult teeth. And also like humans, they are prone to various dental ailments, especially as they grow older. Vets can help by cleaning the teeth, extracting badly damaged teeth, and sometimes even putting fillings in decayed teeth. But in order to access these veterinary services, you first need to know that something's wrong! Here are some signs your pup could benefit from having the vet taking a look at their teeth.

Smelly Breath

If your dog's breath smells, try giving them some breath-freshening treats or putting some breath freshener in their water. If this clears up the problem, then it was probably nothing to worry about; even healthy dogs get bad breath from time to time. But if the bad breath persists after these treatments, then it may be due to a decaying tooth or gum disease, both of which warrant a trip to the vet.

Red Gums

You may not be able to see all of the way into the back of your dog's mouth, but you should be able to at least see the front and middle portions of their gums. If the gums look really red and inflamed around the base of the tooth, this usually indicates gum disease. It could also mean there is a deeper infection in one of the tooth roots, which tends to be really painful and typically requires removal of the tooth.


Some dog breeds, like basset hounds and bulldogs, do tend to drool a lot even when they are healthy. However, if you notice an increase in the amount your dog drools, this could be indicative of a dental issue. Sometimes the drool occurs because the dog is holding their tongue in a certain position to ease the pain of an infected tooth or gums. Drool is also one direct bodily response to oral pain.

Changes in Appetite

There are many reasons your dog may stop eating, and tooth problems are certainly one of them. When a tooth is to blame for changes in appetite, the changes often arise over time. Your dog may eat less and less before finally going off food altogether. They may stop eating dry food but still eat wet food. It's also common for dogs with tooth problems to drop food out the sides of their mouth.

If you suspect that your dog may have dental problems, have a veterinarian take a look. These problems are painful, but they are typically quite easy for the vet to treat, especially if caught early.

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From Vaccines to Viruses A vet is someone who is there for your pet from their early years until their last years. When your pet is young, a vet can give them the vaccines they need for disease prevention as they become acquainted with the world. As your pet ages, your vet can monitor them for the conditions that often come with old age, such as arthritis and cancer. Vets care about their patients. We hope you will learn more about this care as you browse the content on this blog. We do our best to offer well-researched and helpful information for pet owners like you.

